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类型:记录  美国  2017 

主演:Lindsey Stirling 

导演:丹·库特弗斯 珍·利普希茨 

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林赛·斯特林:勇往直前是丹·库特弗斯 珍·利普希茨 导演于2017 年拍摄的 美国  记录  ,并由Lindsey Stirling  担任主演,电影讲述了 : Beginning on the eve of her thirtieth birthday, "Brave Enough," documents violinist Lindsey Stirling over the past year as she comes to terms with the most challenging and traumatic events of her life. Through her art, she seeks to share a message of hope and courage and yet she must ask herself the question, "Am I Brave Enough?" Capturing her personal obstacles and breakthrough moments during the "Brave Enough," tour, the film presents an intimate look at this one-of- a-kind artist and her spectacular live performances inspired by real-life heartbreak, joy, and love.

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