当前位置 首页 伦理电影 《Perception》


类型:伦理  欧美  2003 

主演:DollyLeigh AveryStone BrookeHaze Kr 

导演:Lesbian Stockings 

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Perception是Lesbian Stockings 导演于2003 年拍摄的 欧美  伦理  ,并由DollyLeigh AveryStone BrookeHaze Kr  担任主演,电影讲述了 : A couple (Dolly Leigh and Dylan Snow) volunteer to beta test a new technology called "Memory Recall." Through specially configured headsets, subjects are exposed to each others memories. As each couple revisits their most intimate moments together, an unexpected pattern emerges. They realize their memories appear very different. The past may not be what they thought. how will their future be shaped by this new Perception of their relationship

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