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类型:动作  其它  2017 

主演:Mohamed Ramadan Dina El Sherbiny Sa 

导演:Mohamed Samy 

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复仇逮捕令是Mohamed Samy 导演于2017 年拍摄的 其它  动作  ,并由Mohamed Ramadan Dina El Sherbiny Sa  担任主演,电影讲述了 : (Khaled Degwy) who are enrolled in one of the terrorist groups that the killings, believing they are fighting for the sake of God, and when his brother (Ahmad) tries to join this group (Khaled) refuses, he is trying to stop him, but he joins, and one day arise a dispute between (Ahmad) and one of the members of this community, (Ahmed) get killed, (Khalid) go mad who seeks revenge against the group, the same moment the issue Answer the arrest of the police against (Khaled).


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