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绅士们,我把爱因斯坦给宰掉了哦是奥德里奇·利普斯基 导演于1970 年拍摄的 其它  喜剧  ,并由伊里·索瓦克 亚娜·布赖霍娃 卢博米尔·利普斯基 伊娃·简祖罗娃 彼得  担任主演,电影讲述了 : This futuristic science fiction comedy features an atomic bomb blast that causes women to grow beards and lose the ability to have children. A summit meeting is held at the United Nations, with the proposed solution of building a time machine. The decision is made to travel back in time and murder Einstein, with the hopeful result being that without the noted mathematician's research there will be no atomic bombs.


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