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孑然是Frédéric Videau 导演于2012 年拍摄的 法国  剧情  ,并由Agathe Bonitzer 埃莱娜·菲利埃 诺埃米·洛夫斯基 贾克  担任主演,电影讲述了 : Gaëlle is suddenly released by her kidnapper Vincent, after eight years of captivity during which they had been «everything» to each other. Just as she had to earn her freedom day-by-day against him, she has to do so again, now facing her parents and a world she is only just discovering.在经历了长达八年的囚禁之后,Gaëlle 突然被她的绑架者Vincent释放了在这八年中,对于他们而言,彼此就是“所有的一切”。正如她曾经必须每一天与绑架者对抗以获取自由一般,现在,她必须以同样的对抗来面对父母和这个她刚刚开始探索的世界。by woodring & 又又


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