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隐形杀手是未知导演于2018 年拍摄的 美国  纪录  ,并由未知 担任主演,电影讲述了 : Invisible Killers, a three-part documentary series, looks at how viruses have shaped our health and history, the biological and social impact they have on our global society, and the incredible science that has arisen to combat them. Each of the episodes focuses on an individual virus, reaching back to tell the history of that virus and looking closely at the state of the research and technology surrounding the disease today.《无形杀手》(Invisible Killers)是一个由三部分组成的纪录片系列,着眼于病毒如何影响我们的健康和历史,它们对全球社会的生物学和社会影响以及与之抗衡的不可思议的科学每个情节都着眼于单个病毒,回溯讲述该病毒的历史,并密切关注当今围绕该疾病的研究和技术状况。

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