狂怒之年是拉法·鲁索 导演于2020 年拍摄的
西班牙恐怖 ,并由阿尔维托·阿曼华金·弗里尔丹尼尔·格劳马蒂娜·古斯曼玛丽维尔· 担任主演,电影讲述了 :
The life of the writers of a television program in Uruguay is affected by the pressures of the military in the year that preceded the military coup of 1973.
萨莉·哈姆森,Anneke Blok,Markoesa Hamer,阿德·范·肯彭,Edon Rizvanolli,Willemijn Kressenhof,Fred Goessens,菲·阮,Albert Secuur,Johan Fretz,Brent van Baardwijk,Noor van der Velden,Hansje van Welbergen,Nick Vorsselman,亚历山大·维尧姆